No doubt about it: this is a crazy time of year. Dinner parties, office parties, kids' school performances, family gatherings, family tussles, last-minute shopping, travel, travel delays… just to name a few. It can be difficult to stay grounded and focused – to not get caught up in the frenzy of the season.
Enter essential oils! My favorite companions for times like this.
I have three go-to’s that can instantly change how I work with the overstimulation that inevitably accompanies December:
For the season, consider our Heart Presence blend, featuring Geranium.
A great oil for December, when we can easily get testy, irritated and constricted by all of the happenings and to-do's. Geranium will help you to stay expansive and open-minded, to have more capacity to deal graciously with the extra input. I love that it is an unexpected scent for this time of year – its floral:herbaceous complexity will keep your mind sharp and transform your exhaustion.
» Read more about the energetics of Geranium
For the season, consider our Stillpoint blend, featuring Lavender.
It’s impossible to get tired of Lavender! It’s such a loyal companion in times like these. It will calm you, center you, help you to slow down when everything around you seems to be speeding up. That headache you have? Lavender to the rescue. My suggestion: Drop a little extra $$ for a really good therapeutic-grade Lavender. (Don’t have a good source where you live? Check out DoTERRA or Young Living.)
» Read more about the energetics of Lavender
For the season, consider our Surrender blend, featuring Spruce.
I don’t choose this oil because it “fits” with the season of evergreen scents (just a nice coincidence!)… but because it is a powerful agent that helps me to stay connected to my roots and not get spun out by too-much-of-everything. If you feel like you don’t know which way is up and you’ve hardly had time for an extra breath, bring Spruce on board. It will stay in your system with patience until the rough edges get filed down and you feel more at your center. It will also help you communicate more clearly and directly in this season that often results in crossed wires with co-workers and family members.
» Read more about the energetics of Spruce
We’d love to hear how you are using essential oils to navigate your holidays. Leave a story in the comments below or join us on Facebook to share!
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