  • Beautiful Breast Elixir: Science & Energetics
  • Kimberly Jonas
Beautiful Breast Elixir: Science & Energetics

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Our primary mission here at BodyMantra is not only to educate our customers about the power of essential oil medicine and get them excited about how whole plant medicine can heal and transform – but to marry that with the potency of personal intention. There are stories far and wide about how people have healed themselves - spiritually, emotionally, physically - by invoking the power of the mind. Specifically, the mind’s ability to visualize and believe that a particular path of healing is available.

And so, each time we introduce a new blend to our line, we want you to invest yourself not only in the powerful plant molecules bouncing around in each bottle, but also in yourself. Your ability to harness your thoughts and intentions into positive forward motion. The innate ability that you possess to change your reality, bring your dreams to life, shift away from situations and behaviors that are limiting you or keeping you from your fullest self-expression.

This holds true as we announce the launch of our newest blend: Beautiful Breast Elixir.

Our founder, Kimberly, originally developed this formula for two of her clients that were moving through journeys with breast cancer. One woman knew herself to be at high risk of breast cancer and wanted to actively treat some developing fibrous lumps, while the other needed post-mastectomy support. And while we recognize that both women had tremendous emotional and medical support systems through their respective processes, they sing the praises of this blend as part of their successful healing. And *we* sing their praises, knowing that they initiated some serious personal intention as they worked with our Beautiful Breast Elixir.

We are here to arm you with information about the ingredients in this blend so that you can invoke their medicine - both energetic and physical - in your personal rituals.

So here we go. Read on and learn about these super-potent ingredients:


More and more scientific studies are being published about the cancer-fighting properties of Frankincense. While it has been used for millennia as both physical medicine and spirit medicine, it has taken a long time for the scientific community to recognize the significant healing properties of this plant resin.

We could go on and on about the studies that support these findings, but the upshot is this: Boswellic acids, anti-inflammatory components found in frankincense resin, have been found to inhibit cell growth and promotion of cell death in multiple human cancer cell lines. In other words, this is the powerhouse, free radical- and cancer-fighting ingredient in our Elixir.

Plus, we have a few things to say about the equally-notable energetics of this essential oil:

Frankincense will instantly bring you into the realm of Spirit, connecting you to forces that are greater than you to assist in your healing. This resin has long been used for what might be called “spiritual healing” - uplifting and purifying the soul. When you need some extra support or want to have more clear insight into your healing process, this is the oil to call on. Frankincense will help to reveal pathways that you might otherwise not have seen, helping to direct your self-healing efforts.


Rich in punicic acid, pomegranate seeds have long been touted for their tremendous anti-oxidant properties - a boon when you are wanting to protect your breast tissue against free radicals. But what we love even more about this powerhouse ingredient is that it has been shown to decrease the growth of breast cancer cells by 92-96%. And it doesn’t stop there (we LOVE this ingredient). A collaborative study conducted between the University of Haifa, Isreal and the University of Texas firmly establishes the protective activity of pomegranate seed oil against both tumor occurrence and quantity.

Overall, this is the Great Protector in this blend. We’ve sourced a certified organic, cold pressed, unrefined version of this oil, which means that you are getting the most potent, unadulterated version possible to apply to your skin.


Castor oil is known to boost immune function by increasing the number of white blood cells in the system, as proven by a study published by the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine. To boot, it helps to reduce inflammation. So when you need to address scar tissue, fibrous tissue or help the breast tissue heal from surgery, castor oil will get in there and do the trick. Overall, it is a wonderful softening agent, helping dense, tight areas of the body to relax and release.

Castor oil is the ingredient that gives this blend a more viscous, thick texture. We intentionally added this texture to the blend to help you slow down and focus on bringing plenty of time and attention to the process of caring for your breasts and breast tissue.


This oil brings great feminine wisdom to Beautiful Breast Elixir. A perfect match for working with breast health. Our certified organic Angelica is truly an “angelic” oil, with a high vibration that will connect you to your most clear-headed, intuitive feminine self. This plant loves to support the mystic aspects of your woman, encouraging you to be fueled by your complexity, sensuality and ability to transform.

Angelica wastes no time going to areas of the body that have energetic blocks or sluggishness, and will slowly do its work to unwind and redirect those areas. Even as it works on specific areas of stagnation or over-developed density, Angelica will often result in an all-body rewiring at the same time. Just as rewiring one broken fixture in a room can then lend more light to the entire room.

Call on Angelica when you need a boost - she will remind you of your purpose, connect you to spirit realms, and just generally bring your vibration to a higher level.


Geranium has been used for centuries to attend to all sorts of skin conditions, including eczema, rashes, and varicose veins, while acting as a prized elixir for keeping the skin looking youthful. This translates to keeping your breast tissue soft and supple, and helping to heal scars related to breast cancer surgeries.

Geranium is also antibacterial and assists in wound healing, adding to its already-potent action in our Elixir.

Energetically, Geranium is the great midwife in the world of essential oils, offering kind and knowing insight with fierceness and unwavering focus. She is skilled at moving the system toward a place of equilibrium. When you want to throw in the towel and return to your comfort zone, Geranium will remind you why it is important to persevere and break free of old patterns, even when it feels nearly impossible. She will always bring you back to your center, shed the stories that keep you from achieving balance.


We can’t get enough of our certified organic, cold pressed, unrefined Grapeseed oil. This is what gives the blend its rich green hue and harmonizes all of the other oils in the blend.

We love this oil for both its anti-oxidant properties: A study published in Toxicology Volume 148 illustrates that grapeseed demonstrated significantly greater protection against free radicals, cell membrane damage and DNA mutations than other well-known antioxidants, such as Vitamins C and E (though we also have Vitamin E in this blend to give you a double dose of this protection!). Add to that its ability to reduce inflammation, and this seemingly-simple ingredient adds a significant boost to the healing properties of our Elixir.


This distinctive, reedy plant digs down into the immune system and works to clear stagnation and ignite immune functions in the body. It will wake up organs that might be struggling or moving slowly, which is extremely important to the flow of energy to and from the breast tissue. Lemongrass activates the lymph system – one the great filters and movers of toxins in the body – and encourages the removal of excess residue. This is the oil that will also stimulate an acceleration of cellular regrowth and strengthening, post-surgery.

The energetic properties of Lemongrass mirror closely its physical properties: It will boost you. It loves to burrow into the consciousness and stir up (and out) anything that is impeding your progress. It will lift your moods, connect you to your energy reserves, and remind you why you are here.

Couple these energetics with the fact that Lemongrass is a potent anti fungal and antibacterial agent, and it is an excellent addition to this blend, particularly if you are working with post-surgical incisions and healing.


This essential oil is a potent strengthening and detox agent. It is a heavy hitter when it comes to illness in the body, but also acts as a formidable preventive agent. So whether you are dealing with late-stage cancer, post-surgery healing or committing to preventive breast care, Rosemary will be on board to dig in and take care of business, protecting you from infection.

Add to that the fact that Rosemary will energetically “keep you in the game” - meaning, it will make sure that you tend to your breasts with fierce kindness - and you’ll find that this is an essential component to the healing powers of this Elixir.


Vitamin E has long been used as a scar healer and skin softener, and that’s part of why we have this wonderfully simple ingredient in our Elixir. Coupled with the Castor oil in this blend, you’ll find your breast tissue softening measurably and any surgery-related incisions healing with much less scarring than without these powerful agents.


Fights cancer cells:


Boosts immune function:

Pomegranate Seed oil


Castor oil




Grapeseed oil





  • Kimberly Jonas

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